Sunday, April 24, 2022

String theory


Cat Stevens said:
Oh life is like a maze of doors 
and they all open from the side you're on
Just keep on pushing hard boy, try as you may
You're gonna wind up where you started from
Gary Larson said:


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Still more Sor

 The Op. 60 No. 14. Part of an occasional exploration of the opus. Eleven down, fourteen to go.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Still more Sor

The Opus 60, No. 5 . Part of an occasional exploration of the opus.

The cruelest month

When Eliot wrote "April is the cruelest month" in The Waste Land, he had to be thinking of Wyoming.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


There is currently a power outage affecting Laramie, according to Rocky Mountain power.

As of 11:30 am, Rocky Mountian Power stated that an estimated 2,200 people are without power in the city.

According to the website, the usual estimated time of a power outage is about 3 hours after it is reported. However, at this time the estimated time for this outrage to be repaired is 3 pm. Rocky Mountain Power is working 24/7 to fix the issue.

This is from a local online news source. And to think that they are working 24/7 to fix the outrage by 3:00 pm.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Welcome to the future

"It is estimated that no underwear will be worn by the year 2020."

-Firesign Theatre, 1971



Welcome home to skiing and gardening

Back to  winter and skiing. *** Arlene helping turn the greenhouse.