Wednesday, November 16, 2022

A conversation with Wolf-Dieter Seiffert of G. Henle Verlag

For those interested in music scores, engraving, publishing, urtext editions, &c and how musicians are visual as well as aural.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Are we Sor yet?

 You can find a link to Fernando Sor's Op. 60 No. 21 here. Part of an occasional exploration of the opus.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Now running for school board update

Yep. This guy. Along with a cadre of his like-minded friends. I hope that they will consider that the students that they are "educating" today will be the doctors and nurses who will care for them in old age.

All seven failed in their bids.

Welcome home to skiing and gardening

Back to  winter and skiing. *** Arlene helping turn the greenhouse.