Saturday, September 30, 2023

Early Music on the Internet

I've just discovered It is a commercial free stream of medieval and renaissance music. Apparently, it is also hostless, though the playlist includes the composition title, composer, performer(s), and recording title (though not label).

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Harvested potatoes today...

I can't prove it, but I am beginning to believe that every year the rows grow longer.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Currentzis on beauty

"Beauty exists independently from people. I believe in the beauty of nature in that moment where it transforms into spiritual beauty. But beauty does not agree with the speed of this world. No money can be made from it."

-Teodor Currentzis

Today's Monarch Butterfly

Friday, September 15, 2023

Ann Arbor Reflections

Revisiting Ann Arbor with an old friend with a Shakti concert, visits to Zingerman's Roadhouse and Deli, and crate digging. A lot has changed since my last visit, but a lot is the same.
The reflections come from the sunrise in the windows of the building across the street.

Thursday, September 14, 2023


I had the opportunity to catch up with friends in Oberlin, Ohio yesterday. We visited Allen Memorial Art Museum, had a wonderful lunch (topped off with a delicious slice of Italian Lemon Cake and four forks), contemplated climbing a tree, and snuck into Finney Chapel during an orchestra rehearsal. Finney still sounds great, but what surprised me most was remembering the woody smell of the place.
I was with the same dear friends I started summer with. Then, we saw a performance of Turandot and ate at a Cuban restaurant in Denver. I worried about taking time away from planting. Tonight is Shakti and I am worrying about harvesting. 
In between there were puffins, canyons, sheep herders, firewood for winter, and everyone moving.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Currently currants

Black Currant (also blackcurrant) and Chokecherry Jelly. Black Currants were, at one time, illegal in the United States. There is an explanation here.

Welcome home to skiing and gardening

Back to  winter and skiing. *** Arlene helping turn the greenhouse.