Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Sunday, November 24, 2024

The Lincoln Highway home

Instead of Interstate 80, we took an alternate route on the way home from Rowe. We traveled on the Lincoln Highway/US Highway 30, one of the original transcontinental automobile routes.
You can read about the highway here.
Once again, my suspicions were confirmed that scenery becomes more interesting, the pace a little slower, and life more civilized once one is two miles away from an interstate highway. Sorry, President Eisenhower.
I saw the following sign in front of a store in a small Nebraska town: "Today's special: Buy two items, pay for both".
Between Cheyenne and Laramie, the snow began.

Saturday, November 23, 2024


We are back in Nebraska at the Rowe Sanctuary. This time it is to help build and plant a greenhouse that will provide native plants to repopulate the prairies next to the North Platte River that so much wildlife depends upon.
Rowe is where we migrate to most springs to "help" with the Sandhill Crane migration. I put "help" in quotes, because the magnificent birds know just what to do. Really, we are just helping the people who show up to witness the spectacle.
This is also Cather country, so I spend my free time reading.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

First ski

We took our first ski of the season today. It's not particularly early or late to be starting, but it felt good. 
The snow was much better than I expected. Sometimes, early in the season, it can can be wet or crusty. Today the snow was fairly dry. 
It's nice to be out in the blue sky and trees and white snow. You could paint it all in a handful of colors. The shadows in the tracks of deer, rabbit, fox, and moose add some grey to the picture.
It's nice to be out again, away from the worries of the world.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Today's views: Updated

Probably the last time over the pass until May or June. As of this morning, November 19,  the road has been closed for the season by the Wyoming Department of Transportation.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Friday, November 1, 2024

A Story From The Polls

I overheard the woman inserting her ballot into the machine ahead of me say, in a hushed tone, "Good luck, girl". Good luck, indeed.

Welcome home to skiing and gardening

Back to  winter and skiing. *** Arlene helping turn the greenhouse.