Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Recalling Hoffnung

Yesterday evening I went down to the woodshed to resupply my stock in the house. The usual gang of deer were in the yard, ignoring me and munching on twigs. 
When I arrived at the shed, I startled a doe who had wandered in searching for hay. It's a pretty tight entrance so she bowled me over and crashed into the fencing around the chicken yard. This sent her bouncing back into me. She responded by running back into the fencing with the same results. The third try was the charm and she ran off with her friends unharmed.

I'm very glad that it was a doe and not a buck, the fencing has been repaired, and I am resisting the urge to compose a song about the experience called "Kevin got run over by a mule deer".

The episode did bring to mind this by Gerard Hoffnung, which I share here for your enjoyment.


  1. Yikes. Glad you weren’t hurt.

    The bricklayer story shows up in Infinite Jest as an employee-submitted accident report. I always knew it was from someplace, but I never knew where.

  2. There is also a version in song. A good story gets around.


Welcome home to skiing and gardening

Back to  winter and skiing. *** Arlene helping turn the greenhouse.