Monday, February 27, 2023

A little bit of snow.

Interstate 80 between Laramie and Rawlins Wyoming. (Photo from the Wyoming Department of Transportation)

Thursday, February 23, 2023

This just in...

From CNN (italics mine):

"Since the storm began Monday evening, cumulative snowfall has reached dozens of inches in some cities, including 48 inches in Battle Lake, Wyoming..."

For the record, Battle Lake is not a city in Wyoming. Battle Lake is an an unmanned gauging station  (known as a Sno-Tel) that measures snowfall in the Sierra Madre mountains. At that location, at this time of year, 48 inches of snow is not unusual and actually quite welcome.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Different papers, different towns

 One casualty of the demise of the local newspaper is reading the local paper as a stranger. Whenever I visit a town, I like to pick up the local paper (if it still exists) and read the local news. Who won at the state fair, high school basketball, what the Lions Club is up to, obituaries. It gives me a feel for the place and reminds me that we're all pretty much the same.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Today's lunch.

Rye bread baked.
Sauerkraut brined.
Pickles pickled.
Russian dressing made per Zingerman's recipe.
Pastrami steamed.
Emmental melting.

It is good

Jules Feiffer has died

Obituaries in the usual places