Saturday, March 1, 2025


We leave New Zealand for home today, which can be done. Through the magic of the international dateline, arrive in Los Angeles before we leave Aukland. 
It's been a lovely visit and I recommend it to anyone thinking of making the trip. It's a beautiful and varied country.
The people are very friendly, open, and kind. When we met a local and they asked where we are from, the conversation went something like this:

Us: We're from Wyoming in the US. Sorry.

Them: Out west. I hear it's beautiful. Sorry about your troubles.

Us: Thank you. We're sorry, too. We didn't vote for him.

Them: That's ok. Our Prime Minister right now is an ass hole, too.
Visiting our friends, it's clear that they are all doing well and have moved on. Now it's time for me to do the same. Time to make things as good as I can where I live. Time to take care of things and myself. Tidy things up and move on. Wherever that may be. 
Ema and I played duets last night. Her tone and phrasing were a joy to listen to, as always. True to form, we ended with a bow.

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Welcome home to skiing and gardening

Back to  winter and skiing. *** Arlene helping turn the greenhouse.